The Viennese Modern movement
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The 20th and 21st century

Ernst Plischke, Josef Frank, Roland Rainer, Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, mischer'traxler, Walking Chair and many other designers are included in the 20th and 21st Century Collection in the Vienna Furniture Museum.

One can use everything that can be used.

Josef Frank

After the end of the Monarchy, Vienna went its own way in furniture design. Josef Frank set his stamp on this ‘other Modern movement’ which foregrounded individuality, superior design and local traditions of craftsmanship. Comfort had primacy over formality or ostentatious display of wealth. On display at the Imperial Furniture Collection is a key work from this time, the Vienna apartment designed by Ernst Plischke for the ceramic artist Lucie Rie, a modern, open-plan space with ingenious built-in storage fittings.

In the post-Second World War era the focus was above all on reconstruction. Architects such as Roland Rainer designed economically priced furniture that almost everybody could afford. A typical example of the furniture of this time is the pastel-coloured kitchen, constructed from new, man-made materials.

In the 1960s renowned architect-designers such as Hans Hollein and Coop Himmelblau introduced a mood of innovation and new departures. Design blasted off into the space age, as evinced by the futuristic ‘Galaxy’ aluminium armchair, the brain-child of sculptor Walter Pichler.

Although the destination was not the moon, Austrian design after 2000 had the future firmly in its sights. New technical colleges, interesting syllabuses and highly qualified lecturers have ensured that today Austrian design is once again internationally renowned. The Vienna Furniture Museum provides a comprehensive panorama of contemporary Austrian design.